Tech Mahindra Smart Academy | Information Technologies


As we all know about that IT means 'Information Technology' we have listened this word so many times but the first thought might be coming in your mind is that

What is the proper meaning of Information Technology?  

Let me answer this first to you after that we will discuss the Evolution, Scope , Roles and how the world is changing with this technological concept and how the companies are using it to become more efficient ,more advanced, more profitable.

Information technology (IT) is the use of computers to create, process, store, retrieve, and exchange all kinds of electronic data and information.


Since the Second  World War , The performance capabilities of computers and telecommunications have been doubling every few year at a constant cost. The workplace is adopting many empowering environments ; databases for information management ; computer-aided design systems for manufacturing etc.

And you should know that this , This Information Technology term firstly evolved in 1958 at Havard Business Review .


Evolution with this Technological Change

From the first day of Evolution of information technology to today , it just changed the world in every manner . Everyday there is a new advance change in the lives of people.

Businesses have been  drastically effect by this technological change . As ,where there are people ,there are businesses.

And i personally think that Nowday's trend is that , businesses manipulate people very well as they know about your every likes and dislikes with the help of these advance high- tech system software’s.

Scope Of Information Technology


This is the Era of Information Technology.

This era will long very very last , you can say its just the beginning.

Information Technology scope is becoming wider day by day . It plays its roles in mostly every sector for example...

·         Banking Sector 

            Educational Sector


·         Marketing Sector

·         Heath Sector


New concepts are arising like Artificial Intelligence , Cloud Computing ,Networking.

Businesses are totally dependable on advanced IT systems . As these systems help the businesses to create , store , analyse the user data and to perdict the future standing position of the business.

But this is nothing , these AI  like concepts will change the world into a position that nobody has ever think .

Yes this is true that many jobs will destroy.

But AI will create millions more jobs than it will destroy .

In this emerging tech world , Tech Mahindra Smart Academy for Digital Technologies has also been arising.


     What is Tech Mahindra Smart Academy for Digital Technologies and what roles they are playing to promote?

This academy is under the obervation of india most reputed information technology based company 'Tech Mahindra' . Tech Mahindra Foundation launched its third Digital Technologies Academy in Mohali.The Institute is well equipped with the latest software, good internet connections , fully A.C computer labs , cafeteria, smart classrooms, and well-experienced management team and  staff  to help train individuals for the emerging tech world. The academy provides many various courses including graphic design , Web designing , web development , UI/ UX, Digital Marketing etc .


The interesting part is that the academy which differs it from other academies that it  focussing on brushing up the skills of the trainers more rather than charging high fees from students. As their main objective of this 'Tech Mahindra Smart Academy for Digital Technologies ' is to teach skills to the students and get them employed in good reputed firms. Also ,they guide the trainers very well and provide them english and soft -skills classes  which can help them to crack interviews and achieve better positions in the companies .









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